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Table of Contents


Dinner video Links - click here

Thank you message - click here

Weekend of Celebration Schedule - click here

Communal Kiddush - click here

Torah dedication sponsorship - click here


Video of the Dinner

Video Tribute to Rabbi Shmuel and Barbara Goldin

2017 CAT Dinner - Honoring Rabbi and Barbara Goldin

This year's CAT Annual Dinner was a truly joyous occasion!!

  • So many people came out to celebrate and look back on 33 wonderful years that Rabbi and Barbara Goldin gave to our synagogue and the community at large.  Thanks to all who attended and supported this event. Click here to view the Scroll.
  • Thanks to all the volunteers who came together to produce an evening of love, laughter, dancing, joy and tribute.  Click here to see who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. 
  • Thanks to all the vendors who made our dinner spectacular.  Click here to view the Vendor list.

                    Weekend of Celebration - May 5-7, 2017

 As a continuation of our tribute to Rabbi and Barbara Goldin
please join us for a Shabbat of Celebration Shabbat and Sunday May 5-7, 2017.
Our theme, Englewood Shel Zahav: The Goldin Years
will include spirited davening, an esteemed scholar in residence
and a very special Torah dedication. We look forward to everyone's participation.

Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, May 5

Chazzan Sruli Hersh and the Kol Simcha Choir will lead us in a lively Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbat, May 6

● Chazzan Sruli Hersh will lead Shabbat morning services.

● Scholar in Residence Rabbi Leonard Matanky, immediate past president of the RCA and dean of of Chicago's Ida Crown Jewish Academy, will deliver Divrei Torah following Musaf in the Straus Main Sanctuary as well as before Mincha.

Community kiddush in The Parker Family Ballroom.
Click here to sponsor online or contact Melody in the office at 201-568-1315.

Seudah Shlishit in The Parker Family Ballroom featuring a panel of intergenerational community members who will share a retrospective on the Goldin Years followed by Maariv and a festive Havdalah.

Sunday, May 7 from 7:30 - 10:30am

Torah Dedication Open House at Ahavath Torah

● Join us as we complete the writing of a Torah in honor of the Goldin's 33 years of service to our community.

● Thank you to Esther and Paul Lerer for identifying the Torah which was rescued from Poland and is being restored and to Bruce Prince for leading the dedication effort.

● Thank you to our lead sponsors (in formation):

  • Esther and Paul Lerer
  • Cheryl and Lee Lasher
  • Hannah-Jean and Bruce Brafman
  • Naava and Jeffrey Parker
  • Careena and Drew Parker
  • Rachel and Danny Heumann

● Everyone will be able to sponsor any part of the Torah from a single letter to an entire Parsha. Click  here here to sponsor.

Light buffet breakfast will be served

Shabbat of Celebration Committee:

Rabbi Poupko, Lee Lasher, Esther Lerer, Careena Parker, Bruce and Debby Prince, Lori Schlakman, Mimi Fuld, Elliot Shulman,
Irene Gottesman, Nina Nanasi, Michael and Gila Harary, Debbie Stern Blumenthal, Barbara Friedman, Marcy Cohen
Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785