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Membership Fee Schedule
32 and over (both spouses, if married)
$2,750 *
$1375 **
Under 32 (either spouse, if married)
$1,000 *
$500 **
Affiliate (Available to members of East Hill Synagogue and Kehilat Kesher Synagogue who have paid or are paying the respective Building Fund.)
Non-Resident (Does not apply to the following zip codes: 07631, 07632, 07670, 07605, 07620)
Security Assessment (added to all memberships except for Affiliate and Non-Resident)
Minimum Building Fund (Family)
$9,000 (payable over 5 years)
Minimum Building Fund (Single)
$4,500 (payable over 5 years)
* These rates include one male and one female High Holiday seat (all days of Yom Tov).
** These rates include only one female or one male High Holiday seat (all days of Yom Tov).
1. All applications must be submitted with a clear photocopy of your driver’s license and appropriate dues check. Please email a clear photocopy of your driver’s license to or upload here. 2. Submission of completed application indicates agreement to membership fees and building fund contributions as well as adherence to the constitution and by-laws.