Learning Sponsors (Updated Weekly on Thursday Morning)
Thank you to:
- Mitch Kalcheim for sponsoring a Month of Learning in honor of his "Dot's" 17th birthday. May she always choose a path of love, compassion and kindness. I love you, Vie
- Lynn Sugarman & David Wisotsky for sponsoring a Month of Learning commemorating the Yahrzeit of Lynn's mother, Sarah Rivka bat Eliezer Melech, Shirley Ruth Billet, ob"m
- A Month of Learning dedicated in loving memory of David Spatz, z"l. Father, grandfather, great grandfather by Bernice & Tommy Kohn, Sarette & David Hornblass, Elana & Andy Dushey, Ricky & Moshe Hornblass, and families
- Anthony Gagliostro for sponsoring a Week of Learning in memory of רבקה בתציון, Jeannie Prager, ob"m
- Rachelle Harari and family for sponsoring a Day of Learning in memory of her brother Eliyahou ben Joseph Diwan, Eliyahou Diwan, ob”m
- Andrea and Yossi Ceasar for sponsoring a Week of Learning in memory of Andrea's mother, Berel bat Chava, ob"m
- Katie & Matt Brown for sponsoring a Day of Learning in memory of Matt's grandmother, Sonia Lowenbraun, ob"m
- Julio & Debbie Berger and Tobe Rebhun for sponsoring a Day of Learning commemorating the 40th Yahrzeit of Julio & Tobe's mother, Rintzi bas Shlomo Shmayo, z"l
To sponsor a day, week, or month of learning, please click here.
Mon, March 24 2025 24 Adar 5785