March 2025
- Our member Dr. Michael Harris, ob"m, husband of our member Mrs. Freida Harris, father of Miera (Alan) Rechtschaffen, Aimee (Robert) McCormick, Jonathan (Amber) Harris, and Aaron (Jenna) Harris
- Our member Dr. Kenneth Prager on the passing of his wife, our member, Mrs. Jeannie Prager, ob"m
- Our member Joshua Weisberger on the passing of his sister, Barbara Weisberger Fruchter, ob"m
- David Sosland, ob"m, husband of Shirley Sosland, father of Jessica (Uri) Katz and our members Matthew (Melanie) Sosland
February 2025
- Our member Joyce (Daniel) Straus on the passing of her mother, Stefanie Gabel, ob”m
- Our member Dr. Sholom Mehler on the passing of his father-in-law, Mr. Nechemia Reiss, ob”m, father of our late member Elaine Mehler, ob"m
- Rabbi Elazar Mayer Teitz, brother of our member Abbie (Aaron) Rabin
January 2025
- Shmuel Rychik, father of our member Yakov (Erika) Rychik and former member Debra (Leslie) Edelman
- Morad Mahpour, Mordechai ben Rachel, brother of our member Naftali (Stacey) Mahpour
- our member Mrs. Selma Dash, wife of our member Dr. Barry Dash
- Mrs. Shirah Neiman, sister of our member Dr. Hadassah (Elisha) Gurfein
- Jacob Chetrit, ob"m, brother of our member Eliette (Eric) Bentolila and community member Joseph (Nancy) Chetrit
- Our member Mr. Moses Baruch, husband of the late Ida Baruch, ob"m, father of our members Mrs. Lori (Harry) Reidler and Dr. Howard (Razy) Baruch
December 2024
Michael Eschelbacher, ob"m, brother of our member David (Debra) Trachtenberg
Our member Dr. Felix Glaubach, ob"m, husband of our member Dr. Miriam Glaubach, and father of our member Esther Muschel
Sara Tsadok, ob"m, mother of our member Shlomo Tsadok
- Mrs. Rhoda Alter, ob"m, sister of Mr. Heshe Seif
- Danny Kahane, husband of Claire Kahane and father of community member Stephanie (Richie) Pomerantz and our members Jason (Tammy) Kahane
- Sidney Greenfield, father of community members Sammy (Robin) Greenfield and Ruth (Eddie) Lubat
November 2024
- Hanna Pickholz, mother of community member Sheldon (Dena) Pickholz
- Mrs. Rachelle Ebner, sister of our member Linda (Steven) Rothschild
- Mrs. Carole Nussbaum, ob"m, mother of our member Eden (Jeffrey) Aronoff and Beth Nussbaum
Leon Moed, ob"m, husband of Marilyn Moed, father of our member Sam (Debbie) Moed, Anne (Shelly) Golombeck, and Sandra (Howard) Blank
October 2024
- Mr. Howard Miller, father of Andrew (Kristen) Miller, Tali (Bobby) Friedman, and Samantha Miller, and brother of Edward Miller and Sari (Jacob Steinberg) Miller
- Mr. Nessim Gabay, father of our member Elie (Gaby) Gabay, Mireille Stern, and Charlie Gabay.
- Mr. Mitchell Rebhun, husband of our member Tobe Rebhun, and father of our member Jason (Simone) Rebhun, Eric Rebhun, and Kevin Rebhun
September 2024
- Mrs. Alice Oppenheimer, ob"m, mother of our member Ellen (Ken Tauber) Oppenheimer
- Rabbi Dr. Shmuel Kohn, Harav Shmuel Chaim Ben Harav Yaakov Meir z”l, father of our member, Tzippy (Daniel) Cohen
- Mrs. Linda Katz, wife of Andrew Katz. We extend our condolences to the children: Our member, Chana and Daniel Kalai
August 2024
- Shimshon Shoshany, ob"m, father of our member Almog (Bita) Shoshany
- Mr. Enrique Levy, ob"m, husband of former member Sydell Levy, and father of Yael (Joshua) Needleman and Jack (Dahlia) Levy
- Dr. Victor W. Groisser, father of our member, Dr. Daniel (Dr. Rachel Bayme) Groisser
- Mrs. Shulamit Ben-Hizkiyahu, mother of our member, Mrs. Drora Miller
- Our member Ms. Diana Danzig, sister of Mr. Kevin Danzig
- Ms Ester Atias, sister of our member Mr. Gil Ohana
- Mrs. Florence Zweig Rosen, sister of our member Mrs. Marleen Zweig Wolf
July 2024
- Mrs. Libby Katz, ob"m, mother of our member Mrs. Sue (Steven) Basloe
- Mrs. Pamela Lunzer, ob"m, wife of our member Mr. Robert Lunzer
- Mrs. Maida Averbach, ob"m, mother of our member Mrs. Eileen (Allen) Sapadin
- Mr. Joseph Litvin, ob"m, brother of our member Mr. David (Rebecca) Litvin
- Hon. Ira Robinson, z"l, father of our member Tamar (Phillip) Katz
June 2024
- Mr. Paul Herman, ob"m, husband of our member Mrs. Malka Herman
- Mrs. Miriam Schiff, ob"m, mother of our member Mrs. Linda (Arthur) Poleyeff
- Mrs. Marcelle Harcsztark, ob"m, grandmother of our member Allison Schwartz
- Mr. Myron Chassen, ob"m, husband of the late Josephine Chassen, ob"m
- Dr. Joseph Eisenman, ob"m, father of our member Mrs. Sara (Richard) Schlussel
May 2024
- Mrs. Paula Bokow, ob"m, sister of our member Mr. Mitch (Tobe) Rebhun
- Mr. Marvin Borgen, ob"m, father of our member Dr. Ruth (Dr. Simeon Lauer) Borgen-Lauer
- Mrs. Honey Cheifetz, ob"m, sister of our member Dr. Mel (Pearl) Gluck
- Mr. Jeffrey Aaron Hoffen, ob"m, brother of our former member Mr. Howard Hoffen
April 2024
- Rabbi Norman Gorlyn, z"l, husband of our member Mrs. Eileen Gorlyn
- Mrs. Sylvia Freyer, ob"m, wife of our late member, Mr. Carl Freyer, ob"m
- Mr. Norman Fox, ob"m, husband of our member Mrs. Frances Fox
March 2024
- Mrs. Regina Wilchfort, ob"m, mother of former member Mr. Samuel Wilchfort
- Mr. Joseph Orbach, ob"m, father of our member Mr. Meyer Orbach
- Mrs. Sonia Lowenbraun, ob"m, grandmother of our member Mr. Matt (Katie) Brown
- Mrs. Olga Garay, ob"m, mother of former member Dr. Kenneth Garay
February 2024
- Mrs. Bettina Diwan Masri, ob"m, sister of our member, Mrs. Rachelle Harari
- Mrs. Shirley Nagel, ob"m, sister of our member Mr. Shimmy Srulowitz
- Avraham Strobel, ob"m, husband of Rachel Strobel, father of our member Revital (Robert) Sholomon, David (Lisa) Strobel, and Aaron (Blima) Strobel
- Erin (Elyakim) Kinstlinger, ob"m, son of former members Anita & Abraham Kinstlinger, brother of Dena Abergel and Rachel Kinstlinger Bauman
- Mr. Sam Nierenberg, ob"m, husband of our member Mrs. Bashi Nierenberg
- Rabbi Yitzchak Sladowsky, ob"m, father of our member Mrs. Eve (Heshy) Feldman
- Mrs. Marilyn Morris, ob"m, mother of our member Mrs. Elizabeth (Ronald) Krinick.
- Mrs. Ilana Ringler Izso, ob"m, mother of our member Eddie (Blair) Izso and Bill (Ellen) Izso
- Mrs. Kay Kaufman, ob"m, mother of our member Mrs. Rita (Jacob) Zylberman
January 2024
- Our member Mrs. Rochelle Gottlieb, ob"m, wife of our late member Chazan Nathan Gottlieb, ob"m, and mother of Nechama (Ovadya) Aryeh
- Mr. Edward Snyder, ob"m, husband of Ruth Snyder, father of our member Dena (Jonathan) Dubroff, former member Jason Snyder and brother of Sheila (Louis) Martin, Marc (Paula) Snyder, and Steven (Ilana) Snyder
- Mrs. Miriam Teigman, ob"m, wife of our member Mr. George Teigman, and mother of our member Mr. Jason (Chani) Teigman and Ms Shari Teigman.
- Eva Foni, ob"m, mother of our member David (Adriana) Foni and Zohar (Julia) Foni.
- Adam Ginsberg, ob"m, brother of our member Melissa (Joshua) Rutta
- Mr. Leon Wildes, ob"m, husband of Alice Wildes, father of Rabbi Mark (Jill) Wildes and our member, Mayor Michael (Amy) Wildes
- Dr. Denise Rubenstein, z”l, wife of our member Dr. Arthur Rubenstein, and mother of former member, Jeffrey Rubenstein.
- Ary Frenkiel, ob"m, father of our member Leah (Noah) Goldberg
December 2023
- Dr. Edward Boylan, ob"m, husband of our member Mrs. Ruth Boylan
- Ms. Shelley Rosenblatt, ob"m, sister of our member Judy (Alan) Spiegel
- Mrs. Dinah Haramati, ob"m, mother of our member Raz (Debbie) Haramati
- Mr. Dag Karpel, ob"m, brother of our member Mrs. Perla (Gerardo) Yablonovich
- Mrs. Arline Goldman, ob"m, mother of our member Mrs. Deborah (Lawrence) Pomeranc
- Mr. Jonathan Schwartz, ob"m, husband of our member Mrs. Stephanie Schwartz
- Mr. Robert Jacobs, ob"m, husband of our member Mrs. Elaine Jacobs, father of our members Anne (Jerry) Gontownik and Joel (Shira) Jacobs, and grandfather of our members Zev (Daniella) Gontownik, Yoni (Bellene) Gontownik, Ranan (Jordana) Gontownik, Atara (Uri) Okrent, Josh (Adina) Jacobs, and Rafi (Tali) Jacobs
- Dr. Donald Berger, ob"m, father of our member Alan (Deborah) Berger
November 2023
- Dr. Jesse Berkowitz, ob"m, brother of our member Dr. Walter (Phyllis) Berkowitz
- Rabbi Joseph Khen, z"l, husband of Shula Khen
October 2023
- Mr. Tzvi Kaner, ob"m, father of our member Abe (Doritte) Kaner
- Mr. Jonah Mayerhoff, ob"m, father of our member Elliot (Bella) Mayerhoff
- Ms. Rebecca Sarna, ob"m, sister of our member Mark Sarna
- Sharon Safron Hirsh, ob"m, sister of our member Fran (Norman) Fox
- Allen Rotmil, ob"m, father of our member Debbie Hamarati
- Harry Stein, ob"m, brother of our member Jerry Stein
- Dr. Samuel Pilnik, father of our member Andrea (Yossi) Ceasar
- Stanley Presser, father of our member Evan (Nella) Presser
September 2023
- Evelyn Foont, Esther Bat Aharon, z"l, mother of our member Mr. Mitchell Foont
- Mrs. Paula Nissim, wife of the late Albert Nissim ob"m, mother of our member Mr. Norris Nissim
- Mr. Bernard Abramson, ob"m, father of our member Mrs. Arline Schwechter
- Esther Titi Suissa, ob"m, mother of Rav Ido Suissa
August 2023
- Gertie Reingold, mother of our member Dr. Robin Susman
- Pearl Zuckerbrot, wife of Irving Zuckerbrot, ob"m, sister of our member Sylvia Dubby Eisman, and mother of Bluma Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein, David Zuckerbrot, and Dr. Rachel Zuckerbrot
- Morty Appleton, husband of Carole Nussbaum Appleton, father of Raizie Lutwak, Avy Appleton, Jacqueline Weinbach, Velvy Appleton
- Cantor Philip L. Sherman, Mohel, father of our member Dr. Reuven Sherman
- Mrs. Rose Klein, mother of our member Mrs. Sheila Frisch
- Mr. Herbert Strulowitz, father of our member, Mr. Michael Strulowitz
- Rabbi Yaakov Arfe, brother of our member, Mr. Lester Arfe
July 2023
- Fella Jakubowitz, z"l, sister of our member Sara Lopatin
- Mr. Moshe Sternberg, father of our member MB Cohen
- Mr. Max Kugelman, father of our member Amy (Billy) Spivak, Elliot (Renee) Kugelman, and Neil (Miriam) Kugelman
June 2023
- Dr. Stanley Greenbaum, husband of Minna Greenbaum, father of our member, David (Eda) Greenbaum, Dina (Jonathan) Lumerman, and Dr. Daniel Greenbaum
- Jordan Rosenbaum, son of Anna and Barry Rosenbaum, brother of Emily and David Aaron, and uncle of Raphael Aaron
- Lillian Bousbib, mother of our member Gabriel Bousbib
May 2023
- Mrs. Pauline Kraft, wife of our member Mr. Avi Kraft
- Mr. Jack Pomeranc, father of our member Michael Pomeranc, Lawrence Pomeranc, and Jason Pomeranc
- Mr. Simon Chetrit, father of our members Eliette Bentolila, David Chetrit, and Jacob Chetrit, and former members Joseph, Meyer, Monique, and Juda Chetrit
April 2023
- Mrs. Margaret Bendor, sister of our member Mr. Alfred Snowman
- Leah Weintraub, sister of our community member Rachel Soued and Aunt of our member Alphonse Soued
- Dr. Abraham Bichler, father of our member Sherri (Howard) Sonnenblick
- Albert Nissim, father of our member Norris (Nancy) Nissim and Joyce Nissim, and husband of Paula Nissim
- Alisa Sorkin, mother of our member Francine (Ken) Segal, Jeffrey Sorkin, and Gail Setton
- Mrs. Shirley Turitz, wife of Mr. AaronTuritz, ob"m, father of Debra Turitz and Jeffrey Turitz
- Mr. Arnold Badner, brother of our member, Mr. Barry Badner
March 2023
- Mr. Harvey Finkel, father of our member Mr. Warren Finkel
- Deborah Malka, sister of our members Michael and Jack Malka
February 2023
- Mr. Robert David, father of our member, Sharon Jacobs
- Mrs. Brenda Henkel, sister of our member, Hillary Harpaz
- Mr. Shimon Allen, father of our member, Avrumki Allen
- Our member, Dr. Alan Lubarr, husband of the late Miriam Lubarr, ob"m, husband of our member, Jane Shiff, father of Rebecca (Isaac) Glasman, our member, Naomi (Seth) Lubarr-Wenig, Tzipora Lubarr, Shira (Matt) Ackerman, and Yael Lubarr.
- Mrs. Joy Rochwerg, mother of our member Sherri Shemen
- Mervyn Holtzman, ob"m, husband of the late Lois Holtzman, ob"m
January 2023
- Nachum Beinwoll, father of our member, Malka Herman
- Herman Schneider, father of our member Debra Lewkowitz, and grandfather of former member Molly Bachner
- Mr. Leo Petrover, brother of our member, Mrs. Beatrice Berger
- Roz Pahmer, mother of our members Vickie Shulman & Shelli Kermaier, and David Pahmer
- Miriam (Mimi) Avner, z"l, mother of our member Debbie Sable
- Dr. Irwin Keller, father of our member Aliza Hedaya
- Mrs. Ana Deluty, mother of our member, Dr. Sheldon Deluty
December 2022
- Mrs. Rebecca Shein, mother of our member Mr. David Shein
- Mr. Nechemiah Feder, father of our member Mr. Peretz Feder
- Mr. Sheldon Roth, brother of our member, Rabbi Joel Roth
- Our member Mrs. Elaine Mehler, wife of our member Dr. Shalom Mehler and mother of Jessica, Gabriel, and Emily Mehler, daughter of SaraGail and Nechemia Reiss, and sister of Sharona Reiss and Fruma Remin
- Our member, Mr. Aaron Turitz, husband of our member Mrs. Shirley Turitz, father of Debra Turitz and Jeffrey Turitz
- Irwin Shapiro, father of our member Debbie Shapiro (and Ezra) Feuer, husband of Ruth Shapiro, and grandfather of Sara (and Josh) Jay, Daniel Hammerschlag, and David Hammerschlag
- Former member Lynn Bettinger, wife of former member Barry Bettinger, and mother of Robin Bettinger, Michael Bettinger, and our member Matt Bettinger
- Mrs. Gabriella Stern, mother of our member Dr. David Greenblatt
November 2022
- Mrs. Ida Bobrow, mother of our member, Mrs. Laurie Badner
- Mr. Walter S. Censor, brother of our member, Dr. Monique Katz
- Mr. Alfred (Avi) Feldman, father of our member Mr. Heshy Feldman, and Mr. Ziel Feldman
October 2022
Our member, Mr. Robert Miller, ob"m, husband of our member, Mrs. Sara Lee Kessler, and father of Jonathan Miller and Rebecca Miller
Mrs. Rise Sulemanoff, ob"m, mother of our member, Mr. Rami Sulemanoff
Mrs. Miriam Kelman, ob"m, sister of our member, Mrs. Beryl Niewood
Mrs. Alice Chernoff, ob"m, mother of our member, Mr. David Chernoff
Mrs. Bernice Mayerhoff, ob"m mother of our member, Mr. Elliot Mayerhoff
Rabbi Kenneth Tarlow, z"l, father of our member, Mrs. Rachel Gul
Elaine Dobin, ob"m, sister of Dr. Alan Lubarr
Mrs. Rachel Shamosh, ob"m mother of our member, Mr. Stanley Shamosh
Louise (Lucy) Pantirer, z"l, beloved wife of Holocaust survivor Murray Pantirer z”l, beloved mother of community member, Elisa Pantirer Pines (Alan), beloved grandmother of our member, Justin Pines (Tali), our member Nicole Lieberman (Avi), our member, Elliot Pines (Michelle)
September 2022
- Mrs. Harriet Levin, ob"m, mother of our member Mrs. Marla Glenn
- Mr. Bryan Stern, ob"m, father of our member Mrs. Chani Teigman
- Mrs. Sally Pomeranc, ob"m mother of our members Mr. Michael Pomeranc & Mr. Lawrence Pomeranc
- Mrs. Sylvia Sunshine, ob"m wife of Mr. Gilbert Sunshine, ob"m
- Mrs. Sylvia "Toby" Samuels, wife of Mr. Arthur Samuels and mother of our member, Mr. Avi Samuels
August 2022
- Mr. Daniel Frucher, father of Mrs. Beth Feldman-Grosinger
July 2022
- Rebbetzin Rochel Hyman, mother of our member Rabbi Shlomo Hyman
- Mrs. Norma Arbit, mother of community member Dr. David Arbit
June 2022
- Mrs. Chana Grinboim, mother of our member, Mr. Aharon Gal
- Dr. Ira Kostman, brother of our members Mrs. Gail Goldman and Mrs. Joy Sultan, and son of Mrs. Ruth Kostman
May 2022
- Mrs. Sylvia Altman, mother of our member Mr. Ken (and Fran) Altman, and grandmother of our members Debbie (and Steven) Siegler, Katie (and Matt) Brown, Adam (and Jordana) Altman and community member Jessie (and Dan) Fink
- Mr. Howard Lasher, father of Mr. Lee Lasher, and grandfather of Ms Gabrielle Moskovitz
- Our member, Mrs. Ester Glenn, wife of our member, Mr. Henry Glenn, and mother of Mitchell Glenn, our member Ray Glenn, and Lenny Glenn
- Miriam Wiener, sister of Sylvia Freyer
- Mrs. Elaine Solomon, ob"m, wife of Mr. Lenny Solomon
- Evan Spier, brother of Debby Prince
April 2022
Mr. Manfred Rechtschaffen, husband of Mrs. Sonja Simon Rechtschaffen
Mr. Frederick Marx, husband of the late Mrs. Adele Marx, ob"m
Mrs. Louise Farkas, ob"m, mother of our member Dr. Phyllis Weiss
Mrs. Erna Wolf, ob"m, mother of our member Dr. Kenneth Wolf
Mrs. Bella Harpaz, ob"m, mother of our member Dr. Noam Harpaz
Rabbi Raphael Posner, z"l, brother of our member Mr. Simon Posner
March 2022
- Mrs. Beatriz Pilnik, mother of our member Mrs. Andrea Caesar
- Penina bat Sa’adah, mother of our member, Tiran Nahari
- Rav Arnold Feldman, father of Dr. David Felman and grandfather of our member Talia Ottensoser
- Mr. Tobias Bermant, father of our member Mrs. Julie Lobel
- Mrs Giza Shechtman, ob"m, sister of our member Dr. Miriam Glaubach, and aunt of our member Mrs. Esther Muschel
- Mr. Eugene Neumann, ob"m, husband of our member, Mrs. Serena Neumann, and father of our member Mrs. Lynn Slamovits
February 2022
- Mrs. Frances Bagdadi, ob"m, mother of our members, Mr. Robert Bagdadi and Mrs. Sandy Solomon
January 2022
- Mrs. Shirley Feder, mother of our member, Dr. Marc Feder
- Mr. Isaac Kinek, father of our member, Mrs. Sherry Friedman
Mr. Mel Atlas, father of our member, Mr. Jeff Bogursky
- Mr. Robert Goldman, father of our member, Mrs. Amy Lebovics
- Mr. Meyer (Mike) Krinitz, husband of our member Mrs. Sylvia Krinitz
- Mr. Isaac Yeffet, father of Mr. Ron Yeffet
- Mr. Henry Stern, husband of Mrs. Liesel Stern, z"l, and father of Joel Stern
- Mrs. Chana Garfinkel, sister of our Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
- Mr. Leon A. Miller, father of our member Mr. Howard Miller
December 2021
- Mrs. Goldie Aschinksi, mother of our member Mr. Fredric Ashe
- Mr. David Stamler, father of Ms Ricky Stamler-Goldberg
- Rabbi Joseph Reifman, brother of Dr. Maurice Reifman
- Mr. Paul Gally, father of our member Ms. Annie Miller
- Dr. Stephen L G Rothman, ob"m, brother of Dr. Howard Rothman
- Herbert "Rocky" Bernstein, father of our member Sam Bernstein.
November 2021
Marion Brafman, ob"m, mother of our member Mr. Bruce Brafman, Esq.
Dr. Akiva Wulkan, ob"m, husband of our member Mrs. Reba Wulkan
October 2021
Mrs. Shirley Eskind Fingerman, ob"m, mother of Mr. Jeremy Fingerman
Rebbetzin Rochelle L. Frank, z"l, mother of our member, Mrs. Judy Kershner
- Mrs. Joyce Fein, ob"m, mother of our member, Mrs.Gila Kolb, sister of Esther Steinberg
- Mrs. Isabel Barnett, ob"m, mother of our member, Dr. Vicki Barnett-Abecassis.
- Rabbi Abe Kramer, ob"m, husband of our member Dr. Cheryl Kramer, father of Sharon Ginsberg, David, Ari, and Daniel Kramer
- Mrs. Yola Jacobson, ob"m, wife of the late Rabbi Chanan Jacobson, ob"m, mother of Miriam Jacobson, sister of Rabbi Benzion Berliant and Sara Kadosh
- Oscar Heller, ob"m, father of former member Chaiki (Helene) Feldman
- Mr. Leo Billet, ob"m, husband of the late Shirley Billet ob"m and father of our member Dr. Lynn Sugarman and Dr. Mark Billet
- Mrs. Eti Mayer, ob"m, wife of the late Dr. Siggy Mayer and mother of Eric Thal
Mr. Mark Karsch, ob"m, father of Mrs. Jodi Karsch Cohen
Mr. Marc Hoschander, ob"m, brother of Mrs. Ilana Goldberg
September 2021
- Dr. Martin Schub, ob"m, husband of Mrs. Frances Schub, ob"m, father of Rebecca, Benjamin, Howard, and Sara Schub, and brother of our member Mrs. Shelly Schorr
- Elliot Schreiber, ob"m, husband of Renee Schreiber and father of Tami Schreiber Horowitz
- Mrs. Gloria Epstein, ob"m, mother of our member Mr. Seth Epstein and grandmother of our member Ms. Zeva Adelsberg
August 2021
- Mr. Harvey Goller, ob"m, father of our member Simone Rebhun
- Mrs. Harriet Feuer, ob"m, mother of our member Dr. Naomi Feuer
- Amy Levenson, ob"m, mother of Jessica Stein, Daniella Forman, Sammy Forman, Charles Forman
June 2021
- Mr. Milton Muss, ob"m, father of our member Ms. Blair Muss
- Dr. Gertrude (Trudy) Levine, ob"m, mother of our member Beth Levine Bernstein
May 2021
- Mr. Saul Sapadin, ob"m, father of our member Dr. Allen Sapadin
- Rabbi Dr. Daniel Wolf, ob"m, brother of our member, Dr. Kenneth Wolf
- Mrs. Esther Block, ob"m, wife of the late Theodore Block, ob"m, mother of the late Florence Block ob"m, Dr. Kalvin Block, and Dr. Michael Block.
- Mrs. Emily Trepp, ob"m, wife of the late Mr. Walter Trepp, ob"m, and mother of Elaine Tobin, Sharon Fried, and Howard Trepp.
April 2021
- Sydney Altman Singal, ob"m, sister of our member Mr. Kenneth (and Fran) Altman, aunt of our members Debbie (and Steven) Siegler & Adam (and Jordana) Altman, and aunt of community members Katie (and Matt) Brown and Jessie (and Dan) Fink
- Shirley Zweig, ob"m, sister of our member Marleen Wolf
- Mr. Albert Naggar, ob"m
- Myra C. Greenblatt, ob"m, mother of community member, Judah Greenblatt
- Mrs. Adele Sultan, ob"m, mother of our member, Dr. Mark Sultan
- Mr. Mordecai (Morty) Katz, ob"m, husband of our member, Dr. Monique (Nicky) Katz
- Rabbi Jack (Yaakov) Spivak, ob"m, brother of our member Dr. William Spivak
Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785