Tue, March 25 2025
25 Adar 5785
Sisterhood of Congregation Ahavath Torah is a welcoming organization, open to all women members. Throughout the year, Sisterhood sponsors activities designed for socializing and fundraising, which foster increased support for and awareness of Congregation Ahavath Torah and the community at large. Annual events include the Rosh Hashana gift greeting program, Holiday Boutiques, Pre-Pesach Wine Tastings, Challah Baking, Cooking Demonstrations, "Welcome to the community" programs, and an annual Mitzvah Dinner.
The monies realized by fundraising activities support the many outreach programs of Sisterhood. These services include:
Sisterhood Programs
New Mom Meals program - providing home-cooked and some catered meals to new mothers during the first week home
Meals to the Bereaved - providing the first meal to the home of the bereaved. You may donate to this effort by clicking here
Visits and Meals to the Housebound - providing meals and companionship to the housebound Synagogue members
Hospital Kosher Kitchen - provides meals and overnight accommodations at Englewood Hospital for family members who need to stay at the hospital with their loved ones over Shabbat and/or Yom Tov;
Hospital Visitation - providing visits to those who are hospitalized;
Welcome Committee - providing a welcome gift to new members of our Ahavath Torah community including information on local kosher vendors, family activities, community services, and how to get involved.
If you would like to be involved with any of the above activities or future fundraising event planning, please contact the Sisterhood at atc.sisterhood@gmail.com or click here
Join us on FACEBOOK at "The Ahavath Torah Sisterhood of Englewood, NJ"
Join us on INSTAGRAM at @scat_sisterhood
Click here to view Sisterhood Board & Contact Info.