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Yom Kippur Appeal 5776


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Dear Friends,

This is Our Home. Ahavath Torah is your home to develop a relationship with God, celebrate milestones, connect with friends, and learn together with the Rabbis.

Where is Your Place? In a large congregation such as ours, each of us can find a unique place in the many activities and minyanim that make up our home.

But how do we actually find our place? In a congregation our size it is easy to blend into the background.  But just observing opportunities from the sidelines is not enough. Therefore we must rely on each other, support each other, and be active rather than passive members. Some of us have more time and wherewithal to play a more active role than others. Fortunately, we are blessed to have congregants who are wonderfully active, with the spirit of both chesed and generosity.  That is how we all find our place and that is what makes up a community.  And in order to sustain this community we need everyone to invest in our spiritual home in every way possible.

By participating in the Yom Kippur Appeal you ensure that Our Home remains Your Place where you can find Your Own Opportunities for social and religious growth.

For those who are able, we ask that you consider increasing your donation by either one category from last year or increasing your donation by at least 10%.   Those making this increased commitment will be specially honored. 

Please display your support today. Make an early and generous contribution to the CAT 2015 Yom Kippur Appeal:  

Platinum ($18,000 and up)
Diamond ($10,000 and up)

Gold ($7,200 and up)
Ruby ($5,400 and up)
Sapphire ($3,600 and up)
Emerald ($2,500 and up)
Pearl ($1,800 and up)
Silver ($1,000 and up)
Bronze ($540 and up)

Melody Sandor ( msandor@ahavathtorah.org201-568-1315 ext. 21 ) or any of our office staff will be happy to assist you in any way. They will be happy to take your pledge over the phone or greet you in person when you drop off your check.

Yom Kippur Appeal Committee:  Jonathan Kolatch, Jeremy Fingerman and Lee Schwartz

Bruce Brafman, President      Norris Nissim, Chairman of the Board     Jeremy Fingerman, Vice President

Marcy Cohen, Treasurer    Joseph Dyckman, Financial Secretary   Greg Haber, Recording Secretary

Danny Federbush, Officer at Large

Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785